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Legal Information

The Tokenized Investment Cooperative of Listenbourg takes legal stuff super seriously, but don't worry, we promise not to bore you to tears! Our 'Legal Mumbo Jumbo' section spills the beans on who we are—our official business name (which we swear is catchy), where we park our desks (aka registered address), and how to reach us when you need a friendly ear or a cup of coffee. We also spill some secrets about data privacy (no peeking!), our cookie obsession (we prefer chocolate chip), and how we play nice with the bigwigs in charge (they like us, we swear!). Plus, we follow all the fancy rules set by the big shots to keep everyone happy. Oh, and if things get messy (hey, it happens!), we've got this nifty online dispute thingy and even a hotline to call in the legal eagles. Because life's too short for boring legalese, right?

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